Entertainment।Bollywood & TV Actor - Model Sandesh Gour previously done many TV shows, Movies like Meeradha, Jhing Premachi, Bhala Manus, Daai, Advilo, Web Series like Scar, Atrangi Ishq and Music Videos like Bezubaan Sa, Pagli Tere Liye, Surmayee Nain Tere, Soniye, Tum Mere, Roothe Chahe Rab, Rooh Me Meri, Pata Naa Chala and many more. Actor Sandesh Gour is paired with Singer & Actress Sneh Upadhayay “Hello Koun” Viral Song Fame & Rajasthani Actress Nidhi Sharma. Sneh was part of many TV shows & music videos. This song was shot in Jawaai Bandh, Pali, Sirohi Road, Rajasthan. This song will be released on Sneh Upadhyay Official Youtube Channel.
Producer Ashok Singh produced this beautiful sad song “KHIDMAT” under banner of Sneh Upadhyay Official. Story is about husband & wife who loves each other but due to some misunderstanding. Husband is angry with wife and try to make extra marital affair and Climax will surprise and shocked you. This song is sung by Singer Sneh Upadhyay & Pranav Singh. Lyrics by Lyricist Bimal Bawra known for his hits movies & music videos. Music by Saif Ali.N
Song is directed by Dumpy Mali. Rahul Sir & Suresh Jaiswal are a Cinematographer of this song. Jeetu Mali is Line Producer of Rajasthan for this Song Posters & Creative by Shyam Creations.